Locksmithing: Your Key to a Career in Security Technology.

Locksmithing: Your Key to a Career in Security Technology. Door knob and parts used by a locksmith.

If you ever locked yourself out of your Massachusetts home or forgot the code to a combination lock, you probably wished you knew about locksmithing.

Locksmithing is a career that requires technical skills, security know-how, and a desire to help people. Locksmiths are the heroes who assist folks in accessing their homes, businesses, and other locked belongings.

They may also install alarms, surveillance systems, and other electronic security devices for residential and commercial properties. Automotive locksmithing is a specialty that requires special tools and additional training.

Professional Locksmiths in Cambridge

At Action Lock & Key, our experienced locksmiths handle more than just keys and mechanical locks. We rekey and upgrade locks, even offering keyless entry products to residential customers. Want your deadbolts and door handles to incorporate a decorative flair? We sell distinctive hardware, too.

We handle everything from jammed locks to panic bars to exit devices. Our qualified locksmiths install and service touchless light switches, handicap-access door systems, access control systems, and high-security locks for commercial properties.

We recommend security and access systems and can install and service them.  

Surprised by the range of opportunities available in the residential and commercial locksmithing fields? Wondering how you might get a foothold in the industry?

It starts with education.

Locksmith Training

High school courses in math, mechanical drawing, metalworking, basic electronics, physics, English, and some business education lay a strong foundation for locksmithing, according to the trade organization Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA).

The organization also says a knowledge of electronics and electricity is essential for those pursuing a career in electronic security systems. 

Locksmith Programs

School courses, online classes, and apprenticeship programs are among the educational options for aspiring locksmiths.

As an apprentice, you learn on the job under the supervision of a professional locksmith.

Community colleges and vocational schools also offer instruction. For example, The Peterson School in Greater Boston, MA, has offered courses in various trades since 1946, including an 11-week locksmithing course. In the same area, The North Bennet St. School combines lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on learning in a nine-month program limited to 13 students.  

ALOA also offers instruction at its training center in Dallas, TX. It has certified thousands of locksmiths and has helped government agencies develop licensing qualifications.

What Do Locksmiths Earn?

Nationwide, the average annual salary for locksmiths is $50,210, according to The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Pay varies widely depending on job experience, location, and industry.

For example, BLS pegged the annual mean wage for locksmiths in science research and development services at approximately $82,770 in 2022 and $46,760 for those in investigation and security services.

Locksmiths work in private industries, government institutions, hospitals, schools, security companies, and real estate firms. They also may be self-employed.

Locksmith Skills

If you have an eye for detail, love solving problems, and can maintain patience and calm under pressure, you may be a good candidate for a locksmithing career. A few other skills and physical characteristics that apply to locksmithing include: 

  • Good eyesight
  • Reading comprehension with operating manuals and instructions
  • Use of power tools
  • Math ability
  • Hand-eye coordination

Talk to the Experts

Need assistance from a locksmith? Make Action Lock & Key your go-to for the best in locksmithing and security systems in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Call us at 781-229-9992 or request service online.

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